‘Criminal Law’ librarian

At first glance, it’s hard to tell which is the librarian!

In the 1988 legal thriller Criminal Law, Gary Oldman is almost unrecognizably bland as lawyer Ben Chase. After successfully defending a wealthy client, Martin (Kevin Bacon), against a murder charge, Ben finds out that Martin is, indeed, guilty. Oops. What’s a hotshot lawyer to do? Get drunk and pass out in your living room? Check! Reveal top-secret details of the crime by shouting on the street at a victim’s roommate? Check! Violate ethical codes by working with a police officer against his client? Check!

No doubt troubled by all his ethical violations, Ben goes his alma mater’s law library to talk to an old professor. Occurring a little over a half hour into the film, the camera pans around the double-decker library, lingering over statues and rows and rows of volumes. The light streaming in all the windows is quite atmospheric, doing its best to add some drama to this drama.

Law library in Criminal Law
Law library in Criminal Law

Rounding a corner, Ben finds his old professor, Clemens (Michael Sinelnikoff), sitting on a library ladder and decked out in a long, grey cardigan. An older lady (Irene Kessler) is handing him thick volumes and helping him shelve books. At first glance, it’s hard to tell which is the librarian! 🙂

Note: That’s when credits really help out, as Irene Kessler’s role is listed as “Librarian Peggy” (ding ding ding, we have a winner!).

Law librarian in Criminal Law
Law librarian in Criminal Law

Professor Clemens calls out from atop the ladder:

Clemens:  Ben, here, give me a hand? And we’ll let Peggy get back to work.

Peggy:  He’s a hard master.

Ben: You’re telling me.

Peggy, also decked out in a long cardigan, then disappears down a back staircase. Onscreen for only a few seconds, she joins the Class IV category of librarians. Although we hardly see Librarian Peggy, it’s obvious she has a warm rapport with both the professor and former student.

Law library in Criminal Law
Law library in Criminal Law

And based on the subsequent conversation (Ben to the professor, “You’re giving these away? Your collection of quotations?”), the professor has donated his collection to the law library. Later, we find out why, when Ben visits Professor Clemens in the hospital, who is quote-worthy and optimistic even on his deathbed.

Sources used:

  • Criminal Law. Dir. Martin Campbell. Perf. Gary Oldman, Kevin Bacon, Tess Harper. MGM, 1988.

Author: Jennifer

Librarian, blogger, movie lover

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